Brave Browser The Web 3 Technology You should know about

Don't miss the web 3 technologies.

Sepehr Vafaei
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2022


Photo by Keila Hötzel on Unsplash

Brave delivers various cool features like getting rid of website trackers and online advertisements. It is based on Chromium browser but focuses on privacy and integrating decentralized applications (DApps) and decentralized finance (DeFi) like cryptocurrencies.

You can earn BAT (Basic Attention Token) tokens by viewing Brave Ads. But you can choose to see or not. You can choose from 0 to 10 ads per hour. You are already spending time on your browser then why not accumulate some valuable cryptocurrency.

All user data is kept private on the user’s device and is not accessible by any third party so your browsing data is private.

BAT is also on Coinbase exchange which makes it really important. At the time of writing, this is the all-time chart of BAT.

It has an all-time high of about 1.8 dollars. So it’s a good idea to just accumulate these BAT rewards in your wallet. You can choose Uphold or Gemini wallet to receive your rewards at the end of the month. This option is integrated into the browser.

Brave has created Brave Wallet which is the first secure crypto wallet built directly into the browser and doesn’t need extensions. It is also more secure than extensions. Extensions slow down your device. It receives prices from CoinGecko and has NFT and multi-chain support. You can also import other wallets. Brave wallet project is becoming more mature and extensive.

Besides the considerable number of advantages, using this browser is also a fun experience so I really recommend trying this browser.

Another cool feature is that creators that are configured can receive tips from your wallet. You do this by hovering over an icon inside the browser and if the website is verified, it says verified and you can choose the amount. a good example would be verified YouYube creators.

In Twitter, there is a tipping option in each tweet which works perfectly in harmony with this feature of Brave.

Some useful quick stats about Brave (at the time of the writing):

  • Monthly active users: 50.2 Million
  • Daily active users: 15.5 Million
  • Verified websites:106,088
  • Verified Twitter accounts: 189,330
  • Verified YouTube accounts: 703,984
  • Verified Reddit users: 108,586
  • Verified GitHub users: 47,446
  • Verified Vimeo accounts: 93,846
  • Verified Twitch accounts: 96,628

By verified I mean they can receive BAT tokens as tips.

Brave talk is a browser-based privacy-focused video conferencing tool integrated into Brave.

Brave protects against fingerprint tracking by allowing each browser session to appear unique.

The business model and tokenomics of BAT are supported by a cycle including users creators, and advertisers. Advertisers buy BATs to show ads on the platform. Users are rewarded BATs if they choose to see these ads as we discussed. Verified creators can be rewarded BATs by users.

Brave has been recognized multiple times as the most private browser by different scientific entities like the School of Computer Science and Statistics at Trinity College Dublin.

You can find the platform stats and token activity here:

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